Connecting, healing, and empowering women through story. A gathering featuring women's stories shared from the heart. Humans are wired for stories. Stories convey vital information and meaningfully unite those who hear them together. There's power in sharing our stories - what we've overcome, how we've surpassed our wildest goals, the deep heartbreak we’ve suffered, and our most cherished hopes for the future. Stories depict the breadth of the human condition, the depths of our sentiments, and the height of our spirits. This late afternoon/early evening of sharing vulnerably to open minds, heal hearts, and soar spirits begins with a story from the Passionately Striving in "Why" anthology and follows with a featured storyteller, and then participants sharing their stories that comprise the contents of their lives and who they have become – whether stories of overcoming, persevering, or celebrating. You will receive the power of connection, engage with the storytellers and each other, and leave feeling fulfilled and enlarged. Comes with a signed copy of the book, Passionately Striving in ‘Why’: An Anthology of Women Who Persevere Mightily to Live Their Purpose., wine and light snacks. Investment: $59
Friday Oct 20, 2023
6:00 PM - 8:30 PM CDT
Friday October 20th - 6:00 to 8:30 pm
La Quinta Inn by Wyndham Tyler - University Area2552 S Southeast Loop 323, Tyler, TX, 75701
$59 - covers wine, snacks, a copy of Passionately Striving in Why, and the storytelling experience.
Dr. Alise Cortez, 214-597-6463, (I'm facilitating the evening). Visit my website for more info about me:
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