Tapkard Inc dba Hope Haven
Driving Directions:
Our Administrative office is located in downtown Tyler behind the Federal Courthouse just a block west of Broadway Ave.
About Us
Hope Haven is a faith-based nonprofit organization that serves girls who are in the Texas foster care system. We do this through three programs. Our Gateway of Hope campus serves girls ages 13-17 who need a therapeutic environment to address emotional and behavioral issues. Our Oak Haven campus offers shared housing for four young women ages 18-21 who need assistance transitioning into adulthood from foster care. Our Danielle's Home of Hope campus provides temporary shelter for girls ages 5-17 who have recently entered foster care or had a disruption to their current placement, and are awaiting a more permanent home either with a relative, a foster or adoptive family, or a therapeutic program. Our goal is to provide a loving, nurturing environment where the girls will get their needs met in ways that promote their understanding that they are safe, precious, and have a voice.
Rep/Contact Info

Gwen Thompson
Finance/HR Director
- Phone: (430) 235-2032